Sunday, February 8, 2009

Miss Spelling Bee...

Kindergarten has really picked up the pace since winter break. The Kindergarten reading groups were restructured and M was placed in the first grade reading level. We went from no home work to approximately 15 pages of homework a week. And last, but not least, M started spelling tests. I do not ever remember doing spelling tests in Kindergarten, boy have times changed.

The first week was a real challenge. I realized it is really hard to spell when you are just to learning how to read. The first weeks words were: a, and, of, that, to, in, is, it, the, you. These words are quite difficult because some of them can not be phonetically sounded out. We were really excited when she got 8 out of 10. The teacher told the parents that the kids were all extremely nervous and a couple of them starting crying during the test(no M was not one of them).

The second week the spelling words were: I, as, are, was, for, he, on, at, they, with. M struggled all week with: are, was, they, and with. I will say it was not an easy week, I lost count of the number of eye rolls she gave us! So needless to say, I was ecstatic when I heard her little voice on the phone say "Mommy, guess what. I got'em all right!" Yep, our smart little girl got 10 out of 10.

M did a lot of practicing, even spelling her words in chalk on the drive way. It was very exciting see all her hard work pay off. Good Job M!

Speller Blog Blogger

1 comment:

denise said...

We are very proud of you!