Today was a holiday for M and me. She was suppose to go with some friends to Bounce U, but as usual she was sick with a head cold (with love from C). So I promised her we would have fun at home since she could not go. We all ended up sleeping in, went to do an errand and then to MacDonald's for Happy Meals and off to eat at the park. After the park we came home to relax a little. It was much hotter then I expect and it wiped M out a little. Once she recovered we went outside to play with chalk.
After looking at these pictures, I was noticing how much both kids have been changing.
I have noticed how much M has grown up in the last 6 months. She is such a loving little girl. I can not tell you how many times during the day she just randomly tells us she loves us. Today when we were relaxing after the park, she was on the sofa watching TV and C was laying on the floor playing with a toy, and for no reason, she got off the sofa went and gave him hugs and kisses. She loves to play with her friends and cousins. She looks forward to going to school (once she is awake). She can not get enough of orange/honey chicken. She is very difficult to pack a lunch for (ugh, i dread this). And she asks about a million questions a day (no I am not over exaggerating). If something is said or read that she does not understand she will stop and ask for an explanation. She is our smart little cookie!
And the C man. At his 18 month check in he was 25.8 pounds (50% percentile) and 33.5 inches tall (78% percentile). Due to his cold (that he has now infected all of us), he did not receive any shots. He too, is a little lover. He will randomly come running into the kitchen and hug our knees or hug our arms when being changed. He is still only saying few words (mama, hi, bye, yeah, baba, da). The doctor said we should see a large increase in his vocabulary in between now and 2. They believe he might be a little behind due to all the ear infections he had last year. Today at the park I just realized what a big boy he has become. He can hold his own at the park, but always checks to make sure I am just a couple steps behind. He is starting to have more interest in playing with toys, and will sit still to watch a portion of Imagination Movers or Handy Mandy (he loves music). He still wants a bottle over a cup. He is a good eater, liking: strawberries, hot dogs, liverwurst, hamburgers, grapes, cheese, Doritos's (thanks M), Dryers Dips, etc. Not nearly as picky as his sister. He can follow directions really well, when he chooses to! He runs to sit to put his shoes on, runs to the cabinet and then fridge when he is thirsty, goes into the pantry and pulls out what he wants when he is hungry (this not so cute). I love, love, love, when I ask him to hold my hand and his little hand reaches for mine it; just melts my heart. Thank goodness for those moments, because when he goes randomly reaching into the kitchen draws (yes above his head) and pulls out bad objects mama is not so happy!
Okay, enough. I could go on about both of these kids for hours, especially when they are sleeping :). Okay, now to decide who to sleep with, both Mike and M are coughing their heads off.