Thursday, May 21, 2009

Post Kindgergarten Graduation Fun...

So what does a kindergartner do after graduation you might ask??? They go swimming! Yeah, probably should have taken the paint off her face before she went in the pool. Here she looks more like a seal than a cat! Gotta love her!

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C was very excited that M, N, and I came home. He had fun in the pool with us girls. Yes, Esie was there to!

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Nice, N!

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This was after the pool and after baths. Isn't he a keeper! C has his 3 "B's" with him: binky, baba, and blankie.

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Don't they look like a lively group! You would think they had a busy day or something. Tomorrow starts the offical first day of summer break!

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Kindergarten Graduate...

Today was M's kindergarten graduation party. I had decided to go for the morning and help out and Esie volunteered Nell to come help. What I thought would be a couple hours, turned out to be the whole day and I was so happy I was there for the Big Day. The graduation party was a luau, so they kids were given lays and some wore grass skirts. I think they all had a blast. All 3 kindergarten classes rotated between classrooms, our room was the craft room, then there was a game room, and the last room was a story of a luau.

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While the kids were finishing their crafts and waiting for the next room, Miss Nellie read them stories to keep their attention.

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This is M's class and her teacher Mrs. Adams. We were very lucky to have Mrs. Adams for kindergarten, she was an amazing teacher with incredible patience!

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R, M, and M were lucky to be in the same class for kindergarten.

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Mrs. Diane and Aunt Tracy came to the party and painted all 50 plus kindergartner's faces. All the kids looked amazing, until they smeared their faces after recess (so not pretty).

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Mrs. Adams handed out their kindergarten diploma's and gave them big hugs.

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I can't believe my little girl has graduated from kindergarten. M we are so proud of you. You learned you ABC's, count past 100, write your name, and started reading. Daddy and I learned that you really do not like homework :). We love you baby!