This week in general was very busy. M stared religious education classes (stop laughing), in addition to gymnastics on Wednesdays, and soccer practice on Thursdays. Friday night, our niece H spent the night and M, H and our neighbors went to open gym from 7pm - 9pm. Saturday morning M had soccer pictures at 9:30am and then we had to skip the 10:30am game to go to a birthday party at Girly Girlz.
The girls had a blast at the birthday party, but M just seemed off, probably just tired from a busy week. At Girly Girlz they had their hair and nails done, played games, ate pizza, walked the read carpet and won awards. It was a super cute party!
Here are pictures of M's up-do.
I thought she looked so cute, so I stopped to take pictures of her. As you can tell she was not all that excited about it!
When we got home it was nap time for C and M. M normally does not nap, but she was pretty tired from the busy week. I had plans to go scrap booking that night and our neighbors were coming over to play at our house. Well when M woke up she did not look to good. She had a 99.5 temperature. We went ahead and kept our plans and as the night progressed her fever got worse and by 8:30pm she was at 103.1, UGH! Well, the next 48 hours have been horrible. M's fever hit 105 Sunday night and never really went much below 103.5 and that was with Motrin. My poor baby slept over 18 hours on Sunday. I took her to the doctor today, and of course her fever broke before we got there and she was normal at 98.8. The doctor did put M back on her asthma medication for the winter, to protect her from the bad viruses going around. Well, guess who spiked a fever tonight, yes my little guy. Poor C had a fever of 101.5, so far. He was so wiped out he fell asleep on the sofa, which he never does. I sure hope his fever does not get really high like M's. In addition,the doctor said to call if M's fever reaches 101 again as that would not be normal. Well of course I took her temperature before bed and she was 101.5 again!!! UGH!!! So, we will see how she does in the morning, if not we will be going back. It could be a vey long night tonight.