Friday, October 30, 2009

HOWLOWEEN at the Zoo...

We went with some of our friends and their family on Halloween Eve to Howloween at the Zoo and it was a blast! The kids did some trick or treating, rode the spooky train and escaped from some mummys, monsters, Frankenstein, and Dracula, walked the zoo looking at all the festive lights, ate some kettle corn, and rode the merry-go-round. The weather was great too! We actually had to wear warm jackets, that's rare for this time of the year.

I love this picture, just has a spooky feeling to me. C loved the merry-go-round.
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Here he is again my smiling little boy, I just love those checks!
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Here are the girls hanging out waiting in line for the spooky train.
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Here is the rest of the gang taking a break from trick or treating at the Zoo.
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Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Greatest Birthday Carinval...

Our little girl turned 6 and we thought what's a better way to celebrate than a Birthday Carnival with all the works! We literally threw this party together in a matter of weeks and none of it would have been possible without the help from our wonderful family and friends.

We rented a snow cone machine, cotton candy machine, and a spin art machine. We made all the games that included a bean bag toss, ping pong toss, penny toss, fishing game, bowling game, and duck game. The kids earned tickets when playing the games which could then be exchanged for prizes (a.k.a. goody bag stuff). To top off the party we had our big bounce house out, had a huge pinata, face painting, and a great birthday cake! I don't think any child left with out a sugar high, and some parents too!

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The Birthday Girl trying out the spin art machine.
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Here is the game zone with all our wonderful Carnies! Mike did a great job putting up the pop ups and stringing lights all around. It looked beautiful at night.
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Aren't we a happy group! Seriously, are they embarrassed of us already?
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Guess who really liked the snow cones, oh and the tiaras too! One day his girlfriends will like this picture too!
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This is one of my favorite pictures of the night, Pa and his little buddy in the bounce house! I can't say Pa was really bouncing, but he made it though the tiny hole to play with C and put a huge smile on C's face.
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And all the kids enjoyed attacking the pinata! You go M!
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I think all 18 kids and 20 adults had a blast and so did I.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Birthday Round Up...

M's best friends had a Cowgirl Birthday Round Up to celebrate their 6th birthday. There were two ponies and a petting zoo. The petting zoo had bunnies, chickens, a baby pig, a baby cow, a lama, and goats. All the kids had a blast, parents too!

As ususal M was loving the animals. When she wasn't getting a pony ride, she had an animal in her hands.

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Last time we went to a petting zoo C wanted nothing to do with holding the animals. He was being very brave today!

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Yeehaw! That's what C calls horses.

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Saturday, October 3, 2009

Signs Your Kids Have The H1N1 Flu...

They sleep a lot and anywhere!

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M fell asleep in the chair outside while Mike was putting up our Halloween decorations.

Friday, October 2, 2009

My Poor Babies...

Well the kids are really sick. Both of them were tested for the flu, and M's came back positive for Influenza A. C's did not, but the doctor said it had to be a false negative as he got if from M. Influenza A = N1H1 Swine Flu! UGH!!! I also caught the kids bug, so this means I have it too! DOUBLE UGH!!!

M has been sick since Saturday, battling 100 plus temperatures, sleeping most of the days, barely eating and drinking. From our doctors appointment on Monday to today (Thursday) she lost three pounds, 50.6 lbs to 48.6 lbs. The doctor said there is not much that can be done now other than treat the systems. The flu can last 7 to 10days. Getting her to stay hydrated has been a battle, and I hate to confess I had to threaten to take her to the ER to get her to drink. Tomorrow will be the 7th day and I sure hope it is a turning point for her. Nothing breaks my heart more to see my little girl crying cause her tummy hurts and there's nothing I can do. It's days like this I never realized being a mom can be so heart wrenching. But it's all better when she grabs my arm when were are sleeping and says "Love you mama" and then falls right back to sleep.

Mikey Jr. on the other had seems to be rebounding much better. He has been eating and drinking less than usual, but not enough to reduce his energy. He is sleeping a lot more, taking random naps on our laps and the sofa, and is definitely cranky and letting us know it. As long has is fever does not spike again tomorrow, I think he will be on the road to recovery. Although I can't complain cause he's been such a mama's boy this week since I have been home, wanting hugs, cuddles and kisses (then the little stinker wipes them away and giggles!).

Here's wishing a healthier and happier Friday!