Unfortunately on the way up Mike's crazy driving made C car sick, UGH! I thought we were going to have to go back home. We meet up with the Gritten Family at Walmart and let C rest for a while and bought him some medicine. We found some awesome deals on snow gear there. Mike and I bought snow bibs, C got new boots and gloves, and M new snow bibs and gloves. I never ever thought I would own snow bibs again! Luckily C started to feel better and so we headed off to find snow, and boy did we find it!
C was very exited to get out and play in the snow, but he is definitely an Arizona baby because he didn't like being cold! COLD.. COLD.. COLD..!
M on the other hand could have played in the snow all day. She never even mentioned the word COLD once. The entire day she kept begging to building a snowman, but unfortunately the snow was to fresh and would not stick. So she did the next best thing (or so she thought) and ate the snow!
All of the adults were big kids too and had a fun sledding. It took us big kids several rides down the hill to pack the snow down. Thank goodness it was a small hill because by the time we got to the top we were huffing and puffing.
We had such a great time and now that we know it only takes about an 1 1/2 to get there, as long has Mike doesn't make C car sick, we are going to have to go more often.
When we packed up to leave this is what we found. The truck said it was 31 degrees out and only an hour and a 1/2 later we were in 65 degree weather. We made it home by 7:15pm and joined the Michon's for their New Years Eve get together.