Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Yes, spring soccer season 2008 has begun. M has now been playing for one year. She still has not scored a goal during the game, however she is awsome during practice and warm up. It is very confusing for your child when you teach them to share and then you tell them to kick the ball away from another kid. Overall M is doing great, she loves to run and have fun with her friends, and isn't FUN what it is all about?

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(pictures taken 3/2008)

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Go Speed Racer

C is a speed crawler. If you turn your back for just one second he his getting into something or bugging someone (specifically the dog). These days he is able to get where ever he wants by walking with the help of furniture and toys. He has already been introduce to time outs. He loves to touch the tv or the shutters and will look at us while he is crawling towards them and just smile. (C you are so lucky you are cute!) That is when we put him in his exersaucer for time out. I think the records was over 20 time outs in one day! It will be just a matter of one or two weeks and he will be walking on his own.

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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me

For my XX birthday (yeap, XX means none of your business) I was lucky to get to stay home with the kids; however my niece was not so lucky as she had strep throat so my sister could not watch M & C. It was probably one of my best birthdays ever. C slept in until 8am, which most of you know he barely sleeps, so this was his birthday gift to me. I decide that it would be photo shot day for the kids and M promised to smile for her birthday gift to me. However in return for her smile I had to promise to take her and C to the park, lunch, and decorate easter eggs; what a little negotiator.

This picture was totally worth the all the promises, she is just so beautiful!
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She loves her little brother.
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The C man is pretty darn cute too! Here he is almost 9 months old.

Here are some of the outtakes from our fun photo shoot. I took about 80 pictures and I would say about 85% turned out something like this...

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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

She's famous, again...

M's preschool was having a contest and ask us parents to turn in pictures of our cute kids for the new campus advertising. Well the good mom that I am completely forgot about this contest (been a little busy with the C-monster). Mike reminded me that night after the contest ended and insisted that I find some pictures of M and he would turn them in the next morning. I told him that they would not take them, but he insisted. So he turned the pictures in to the campus director and she originally said no as her sister had just left with all the pictures for the selection process. Well she ended up looking at our pictures and made her sister come back to pick them up. Well a few weeks later we learned that they selected her picture for the new campus coming soon billboard. So here she is, our beautiful little model (picture was taken my me!).

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