Tuesday, April 15, 2008

She's famous, again...

M's preschool was having a contest and ask us parents to turn in pictures of our cute kids for the new campus advertising. Well the good mom that I am completely forgot about this contest (been a little busy with the C-monster). Mike reminded me that night after the contest ended and insisted that I find some pictures of M and he would turn them in the next morning. I told him that they would not take them, but he insisted. So he turned the pictures in to the campus director and she originally said no as her sister had just left with all the pictures for the selection process. Well she ended up looking at our pictures and made her sister come back to pick them up. Well a few weeks later we learned that they selected her picture for the new campus coming soon billboard. So here she is, our beautiful little model (picture was taken my me!).

IMG_5409 Edited 4x6 Blog

IMG_5412 edited 4x6 Blog

1 comment:

 gmirage said...

Congratulations! it is alwaya joy seeing our little ones in prints...oh but in a billboard? Wonderful! =) I also want to ask you to join us at the SAHM Project if you want...


Thanks! =)