Sunday, May 25, 2008
That's what the doctors say. It all started last Friday, M came home with what we thought was a cold. The next morning she woke up and was fine, so we just figured it was allergies and went on with our Saturday. We went to our friends house for a barbecue, she swam and had a great time with her friends (I will post those pictures later). Sunday morning she woke up and Mike and her went outside to wash his ATV and truck. She came in saying that she was tired and didn't feel good, and we thought she was just tired from the party as she went to bed late and woke early. She was coughing a lot and said her tummy hurt, again we just thought her tummy hurt from coughing. She spent the rest of the day on the sofa with the occasional break to play with C. We noticed that she was breathing heavy and wheezing. I planned to take her to the doctor in the morning to have her checked out. I slept with her that night and could not stop watching her breathe and her tummy going in out so rapidly. She woke up at 1am complaining that her tummy really hurt and she could not sleep. I called the doctor and they said to rush her to the ER/Children's Urgent Care. So off M and I went (Mike stayed home with C) to urgent care. There they said her oxygen level was a little low and she did appear to have a hard time breathing so they gave her a breathing treatment and sent her home with her own breathing treatment machine. The doctor said it seemed that her cold ended up in her lungs and that after a week of breathing treatments she should be fine and that her tummy hurt from breathing so hard. We got home around 4am and she fell right to sleep. When Mike woke me up at 7am we noticed that she was struggling to breathe again. I called the pediatrician and they said to rush her in. The doctor and staff were wonderful, they were waiting for us and and took great care of her. M's oxygen level was 92, normal is 95 and above. They gave us several prescriptions and wanted to see her back on Wednesday. To make a long story short, we saw the doctor on Tuesday (another breathing scare) and then on Wednesday and the doctor said that based on other wheezing episodes that we had noted in the past couple months that they are treating M for asthma and will re-evaluate her in 30 days. It is so hard seeing her with the mask on for her breathing treatment, but she is doing great with all the medicine, we could not be more proud of her.

Saturday, May 17, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Happy Mothers Day!
We had a pretty casual Mothers Day. On Saturday I was at an all day photography class, so Mike took the kids to see Grandma K to celebrate Mothers Day. Since we were not home much on Saturday we had all the weekend chores to do Sunday morning. In the afternoon we got together with Grammy, Pa, Esie, and N to celebrate with them.

Friday, May 9, 2008
She Did It!
M had to take an entrance test at her new school to make sure she was ready for kindergarten and she did it! M had to go into the classroom by herself with a teacher she had only met once and write her name, count from 1 to 20, recite the alphabet, point out the colors, practice cutting, and numerous other things and she did excellent. She will be attending a school that allows children to enroll in kindergarten as long as they turn 5 by December 31st, most schools in Arizona require kids to be 5 before September 1st. We were confident that she knew all the information; however we were unsure how she would do by herself with a new teacher. M tends to be shy and takes a while to get use to people and we were worried they might say she was not socially ready for kindergarten. She proved to us that there was no need to worry!
M we are so proud of you!

M we are so proud of you!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Four and a Half and Ten Months
I can not believe how big they are getting and just look how cute they are together. I think M is really starting to like being a big sister now. She gets to help C play with all the baby toys that were once hers and definitely let's him know that they are hers and he is just borrowing them. It's pictures like this that make me so happy they have each other.

Ten Month Milestones
C still only has his two bottom teeth so he still is eating lots of baby food. We are anxiously a waiting the arrival of more teeth as he is chewing on everything and everyone and make the funniest faces as his gums are always itching him. He is almost off of Nutramagine (he has very expensive taste). He is crawling all over the place and will walk with the assistance of furniture. He is a binkie boy just like his sister. He is in love with his big cousin N, he can't get enough of her. His first ten months have not been the most healthiest. He has had more than 9 colds which has contributed to his 5 ear infections since January and 6 rounds of antibiotics. We finally saw a specialist for his ears and he thought C was a good candidate for ear tubes, but I am not thrilled with my little boy having surgery, so we are trying 4 more weeks of a low dose antibiotic treatment to see if the fluid in his ears will go away.

Four and a Half Year Milestones
M is getting to be such a big girl. She is finishing up preschool this month and getting ready to start kindergarten in July. She likes to ride her pink Barbie Escalade around the neighborhood with her Daddy. She just got back from her first vacation without her Mommy and Daddy (she went to Disneyland and American Girl with Grammy, Pa, Esie, and N). She dislikes having her picture taken and loves to have books read to her. One of us have to lay down with her each night until she falls asleep. And yes, she still sleeps with a binkie at night (bad parents).
Ten Month Milestones
C still only has his two bottom teeth so he still is eating lots of baby food. We are anxiously a waiting the arrival of more teeth as he is chewing on everything and everyone and make the funniest faces as his gums are always itching him. He is almost off of Nutramagine (he has very expensive taste). He is crawling all over the place and will walk with the assistance of furniture. He is a binkie boy just like his sister. He is in love with his big cousin N, he can't get enough of her. His first ten months have not been the most healthiest. He has had more than 9 colds which has contributed to his 5 ear infections since January and 6 rounds of antibiotics. We finally saw a specialist for his ears and he thought C was a good candidate for ear tubes, but I am not thrilled with my little boy having surgery, so we are trying 4 more weeks of a low dose antibiotic treatment to see if the fluid in his ears will go away.
Four and a Half Year Milestones
M is getting to be such a big girl. She is finishing up preschool this month and getting ready to start kindergarten in July. She likes to ride her pink Barbie Escalade around the neighborhood with her Daddy. She just got back from her first vacation without her Mommy and Daddy (she went to Disneyland and American Girl with Grammy, Pa, Esie, and N). She dislikes having her picture taken and loves to have books read to her. One of us have to lay down with her each night until she falls asleep. And yes, she still sleeps with a binkie at night (bad parents).
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