Ten Month Milestones
C still only has his two bottom teeth so he still is eating lots of baby food. We are anxiously a waiting the arrival of more teeth as he is chewing on everything and everyone and make the funniest faces as his gums are always itching him. He is almost off of Nutramagine (he has very expensive taste). He is crawling all over the place and will walk with the assistance of furniture. He is a binkie boy just like his sister. He is in love with his big cousin N, he can't get enough of her. His first ten months have not been the most healthiest. He has had more than 9 colds which has contributed to his 5 ear infections since January and 6 rounds of antibiotics. We finally saw a specialist for his ears and he thought C was a good candidate for ear tubes, but I am not thrilled with my little boy having surgery, so we are trying 4 more weeks of a low dose antibiotic treatment to see if the fluid in his ears will go away.
Four and a Half Year Milestones
M is getting to be such a big girl. She is finishing up preschool this month and getting ready to start kindergarten in July. She likes to ride her pink Barbie Escalade around the neighborhood with her Daddy. She just got back from her first vacation without her Mommy and Daddy (she went to Disneyland and American Girl with Grammy, Pa, Esie, and N). She dislikes having her picture taken and loves to have books read to her. One of us have to lay down with her each night until she falls asleep. And yes, she still sleeps with a binkie at night (bad parents).
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