A couple of months ago Mike took M to Home Depot with him to pick some stuff up. They were gone quite a while. When they came home, M ran though the door all excited saying "Mommy look what Daddy bought me!" shaking stuff in her hand. Of course I am thinking great he let her pick out more Disney paint swatches for me to throw out when she is not looking; but oh no... he bought her flower seeds to plant in pots in Arizona in July! Nothing grows in Arizona in summer, let alone in pots! Well Mike got the dirt out and M and him had a good time planting (wish I had pictures of that). Well about a month and half later and a lot of water by Mike, Esie, N, and M, tada we have sunflowers! She was so excited! We told her that she had a green thumb and she looked a little nervous like it was a disease, pretty funny. Once Mike told her what it meant she kept telling everyone that she had a green thumb. Too cute!

(pictures taken 8/16/08)
Unfortunately her Daddy does not have a green thumb, so I really had to crop the pictures to cut out the backyard! Maybe M can teach Daddy a couple pointers this fall!
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