September 27th was M's first fall soccer game and she did great. It is amazing how much she changed in 6 months (spring season); not only did she grow a size in her soccer shorts but gain confidence to go after the ball. I know it's only the first game of the season, but I think this is going to be a great one!
M wasn't the only one who grew. Six months ago this little guy was just starting to walk, and now look at him!
September 27th was the first birthday party of the season for M. We all went to Miss Lauren's 5th birthday party at Chucky Cheese; M plays soccer with her. Last Saturday M's friend from school had a pool birthday party. This coming Saturday M's good friends across the street (and classmates) are having their 5th birthday party. Sunday we leave for vacation to Disneyland and Sea World. M is on her 2 week fall break from school so I thought it would be a great time for a family vacation (silly me!). We come home on Friday and have the weekend to get ready for M's 5th birthday party the next weekend (October 25th) and complete all her homework and international day projects (details to come). Did I forget to mention that M and Aunt Judy share a birthday and Aunt Cindy's birthday is the day after. Two weeks after M's birthday we have another of M's friends birthday parties, and then two weeks after that Mike turns 40, and then about two weeks after that it's Brandon's birthday. Needless to say there is about another 4 family members birthdays in the month of December too! So if you got lost reading all that, the point was --- YES there is such a thing as a birthday season. Throw in Halloween, Thanksgiving, 10 year anniversary (surprising), Christmas parties and shopping, and then New Years and whoosh.....3 months have gone by and I will need at least one more to recover!
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