On October 4, 2008, we took C for is first real haircut. I had been cutting his hair, but was never sure how short to go. After seeing how long his hair was at the park flying all around, Mike said it was time to get him a real haircut. I was very nervous to take him, so I was glad Mike was there. When we took M for her first haircut she was a little over two and she did just fine. At that age you can start explaining things to them and they understand. Good luck trying to get them to understand at 16 months!

The hairstylist was wonderful. She assured me that she was completely use to all the crying and that over all he was being a really good boy for his first haircut.

After about fifteen minutes, M blowing bubbles to distract him, a lot of crying, and one nervous mom, it was all over and we had one handsome little boy! Unfortunately we did not plan on doing this and I only had my telephoto lens for the park, so the pictures are few and not the greatest and I completely forgot to take an after shot.
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