Friday night I cam home and told Mike that we were going up to the snow. We had been promising to take M all year, and with all the storms we had been getting and a three day weekend ahead of us, I figured this was our chance. So Friday night and all day Saturday we went looking for snow gear. Yeah, I had a great idea, but no supplies. We ended up buying 2 sleds, C and M a pair of boots, and me a pair of gloves. We were lucky to get the rest of the warm gear from friends and family. So by Sunday morning we were set to go. We picked up M from Grammy and Pa’s house, as she had spent Valentine’s night with them, and went up to Prescott. I had contacted my friend Mary, who lives up there, and her and her family agreed to hang out with us for the day. We arrived at Mary’s house about 12:30pm, ate some pizza for lunch, and by then M was growing very impatient, begging to go out in the snow.

Mary’s house surprisingly had quite a bit of snow and we were able to find a little hill in her front yard to go sledding down. The kids were having a blast! Then we went to a sledding hill Sean suggested. C pitched a fit getting him in the car because he did not want to leave the snow.
M loved the big hill, she did not want to leave.

C had a lot of fun too! This little guy had no fear.

Of course Mike was a big kid too!

After sledding we when back to Mary's for dinner. While they were nice to make us dinner Mike took the kids out side to build a snowman. Not bad, huh!
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