Yes our little guy turns one on Friday and his first big birthday party is Saturday. I can't believe his first year is over with, at times it flew by and at times it stood still. No one said kids where easy (guess I should have listened to no one!!). This first year brought a lot of happiness: first baby boy kiss, first baby boy smile, first baby boy hug, first baby boy diaper change (sorry girls are so much easier!), first baby boy tooth, first baby boy steps. On the other hand there were a few challenges: first time dealing with baby acid reflux (horrible!), first time for 5 ear infections in 4 months, first time on antibiotics 7 times in 4 months, definitely not the first time having a child in this house not sleep! But I would not change a thing, really! When you see that two teeth smile and his arms reach up for you, it melts your heart and you just pick him up kiss him all over!
So what can this little stinker do at almost 1 year? Well as you can see he can climb the stairs; he knows his name; he waves bye-bye; he knows how to put a phone up to his ear and say hello (baby version of hello), he rules two 85 pound dogs, he loves to go swimming (points out the window and cry's to go in); he points to everything he wants and grunts; he can climb anything (which will explain his birthday present); he loves his family (especially big girl!); he loves to people watch at the stores; he still fits into a size 3 diaper; he has a great right arm and one day will be a pitcher; he still does not sleep well and on average only takes a 1 1/2 hour nap (sorry Esie).
A special thanks and kisses to Aunt Esie, without you this year would have just stood still. You made it possible for me to be a working mom who never had to worry about her little boy. We can never thank you enough! XOXOXO
Hi!! It's me!! And so cool that you used OMG!!!
He's too cute!!!
you know who
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